A couple of weeks ago, I posted here that I was going to participate in the World’s Greatest Shave and lose my beard to raise money.

Well as promised in that post, here is the follow-up.

Yesterday (Saturday, March 14), I went down to Westfield where the local ‘Shave event’ was being held. Before I registered at the shavers table, Mel made sure to get a ‘Before’ photo for reference.


Then it was off to be seated while I wait for my turn, and watch the other participants get coloured and shaved.


Suddenly I was up in the chair, where Ash from RebelFM asked a few questions.


I can’t remember what the hairdresser said here, but I’m sure it was very funny.


How do I look with a dirty big moustache?


Ash tries to convince me to ‘take off the top’ too. I told him the amount of trauma I was going through losing the beard was enough for one day.


The moustache has to go, maybe another time…


Mentally preparing myself for looking in the mirror.
(Remember at this point, unlike you, I have not seen myself yet.)


And it’s done!
Here’s me pulling an ugly face for the camera/s


Next stop was to the Barber, to get the top half cleaned up a little bit.


Whoah! Where’d my hair go?

Oh well, it’ll grow back.

So I guess you want to see a before and after shot huh?

Ok then…




PS. Sponsoring lines are still open.
To Donate: http://my.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/robey

2016 Link: https://robey.au/shave-2016

PPS. All photography by Mel Lawrence Photography

PPS. The scratch on my neck is from wrestling with Oakey (our puppy). No need to call anyone.

One Response

  1. From a bush ranger to a member of a boy band. Well done Robes, the pain of losing your beard is insignificant to the pain of that awful disease. Love you, Dad

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