Robey Lawrence

Getting to know the guys behind the stuff

I listen to a lot of podcasts. Right now my Stitcher app tells me that I’ve listened to 184 hours over 1,830 episodes since Nov 2012. That’s not including the ones I listen to the web or through iTunes. I just find podcasts to be one of the best ways that I personally take in information.

I listen to entrepreneurial podcasts like The Smart Passive Income with Patt Flynn, and Entrepreneur On Fire with John Lee Dumas.

I listen to WordPress specific podcasts such as Your Website Engineer with Dustin Hartzler, and WP Elevation with Troy Dean.

But over the last week I have listened to two different podcasts:

One is CodePen Radio, which is all about how Chris Coyier and his Co-Founders built the CodePen web application from the ground up. I love using CodePen, it’s such a handy tool as a front-end web developer, but I find that I like using it even more now, because I know the guys behind it and the journey they went through to build it.

The Second one was an interview Tim Ferris had with Matt Mullenweg (he basically created WordPress). Listening to this 2 hour+ ‘casual chat’ with Matt somehow gives me a bigger appreciation for the time and energy he has put into WordPress over the years, especially now while I’m writing this post.

Listen to the episode here:

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