WordCamps of Australia and New Zealand

people with laptops and notebooks sitting in a university lecture hall

So I decided to look through a bit of the history of WordCamps in Australia and New Zealand, and it just makes sense to put the compiled list of links somewhere in-case anyone would like to peruse 😉 (Please let me know if you see any missing and I will update accordingly. I’m sure there […]

The year of the plugin

flat screen monitor

I’ve decided that this year I’m going to learn how to build WordPress plugins. Not necesarily to publish to the wp.org repo, but something that will make my life just a little bit easier. I’ve followed Dustin Hartzler’s webinar tutorial back in Feb of 2014, but I think I will go back and re-watch it. Then […]

Grunt LiveReload on WordPress

The last component of Grunt I wanted to setup before I get stuck into my current WordPress project, is LiveReload. This does what it sounds like. When it detects any file changes (based on rules I set in the Gruntfile.js file), it automatically reloads the browser so I don’t have to constantly hit CMD + […]

Docker & Grunt

Today I decided to look into Docker & Grunt. Docker doesn’t really seem like the kind of thing that would benefit me much in my workflow for building SMB WordPress websites. Looks like it might be useful for larger sites, or more likely, web apps. Grunt, I have setup and am planning to use it […]

Virtualbox & WP-CLI

Today I wanted to take my new knowledge of SSH a little further, so I created a Virtual Machine, installed Ubuntu and then installed Apache, PHP, and MySQL. I then installed WordPress and accessed it from my local machine by adding a hostname in my hosts file mapped to the IP of the VM. After […]

SSH and Rsync, and Git

So on NYE2015 I’m learning to SSH and Rsync to my server so I feel like more of a bad-ass web guy. Update: Oh, and I just setup a local install of WordPress on Mamp to sync with a live install on my server, using Git (via SourceTree), and a WP database sync plugin.

Getting to know the guys behind the stuff

I listen to a lot of podcasts. Right now my Stitcher app tells me that I’ve listened to 184 hours over 1,830 episodes since Nov 2012. That’s not including the ones I listen to the web or through iTunes. I just find podcasts to be one of the best ways that I personally take in […]